Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Welcome to "Mi-ssipy"

Well we have done the first leg of our first long distance trip... Thankfully Rabbi Ciment rented a decent car for this one. We got a Honda Accord, its pretty nice. We traveled through Arkansas, Louisiana, and finally into Mississippi. We spent the night in Jackson, and plan to visit people here today. We do have an appointment for 3:00. After that we will continue eastward to Meridian where we will meet a Jewish woman. I remember her from last, she can sure keep talking. We may spend the night again here in Jackson, depending on how many appointments we can schedule for tomorrow. I will keep ya'll updated.

Beautiful Louisiana

Not the grandest picture... but this is the Mississippi River.

"Welcome to 'Mih-Sippy' "

What a "wonderful" hotel ... (can't post what i really thought of it!)


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