Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Who is Judge John G. Roberts?

This is my first political posting. In a political posting I will be including opinions, fast facts, predictions and commentary. I like to think I know about politics and this is my way of trying to show that off. With that, here we go...

With the sudden retirement of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor President Bush was forced to nominate a replacement. As expected by many, Bush chose a relatively conservative person, Judge John G Roberts of Washington, DC. Roberts, 50 currently serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and has held that position since June 2003. Roberts had previously been in line to join the appeals court in 1992, but nomination during the first Bush administration died in a Democratic-controlled Senate. More recently though, after O'Connor's announcement, 146 members of the D.C. Bar signed a letter urging his confirmation, including officials from the Clinton administration. Speaking of the Clinton administration, that era was good times for Roberts as he was a highly sough after lawyer in the DC area, representing clients such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association in a discrimination case, and carmaker Toyota in winning limits on a disabled workers claims.

Although Roberts is thought to be one of the President's less contentious nominees, many expect that there will still be a political fight while the process of the nomination moves forward. Some Democrats including Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) have already stated their so-to-speak approval of Roberts. However, being that nothing can get done on Capital Hill without the nitty gritty of a steaming political war, expect that to take shape in the near future. As early as tomorrow you can expect to see articles and comments by members of all parties regarding this pick of the President's.

Complications will start when Republican senators thinking they are making a step toward crossing the partisan line of separation, will start to question the nominee themselves. The democrats would love to see nothing more than the republicans fighting this over between themselves. Congressional wars between Arlen specter and Bill Frist; John McCain and George Allen, are fights that would be a spectacle as good as Star Wars III. When the republicans show that there isn't all around support within the party it will invigorate the Democrats with new wind and fire, which will almost definitely propel them into a wicked process of filibuster after filibuster.

What Republicans and Democrats should be doing on Capital Hill rather than wasting our hard earned money-turned to taxes, is start forming a stream of trust for the President and his judgments and nominees, send ALL reasonable nominees to an up or down vote, and, no, being against abortion doesn't make a nominee unreasonable, nice try Mr. Kerry!


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