Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Going out into the field...

Here I am, clock ticking past 1:00AM, the house filled with the silent hums of household appliances, my fingers tapping lightly on the keyboard. I am ready, or so I hope, to head out on my journey. I hope this journey will be exciting and successful, filled with good stories and moments. I've done this before, but now I feel like its all new again. I hope and pray that this trip will be what the Rebbe wants it to be. I'm going on Merkoz Shlichus to a southern state called Arkansas. There are Jews in Arkansas? I've heard this so many times. Yes, Yes there are, quite a few of them and scattered all over the state. The purpose of my journey to these Jews is to bring them the words of Judaism and help them in any way that I can. Bringing the mission of the Rebbe to their doorsteps. "Would you like to buy a mezuzzah?" "have you heard of teffillin?" and many more questions. with some we will sit for hours, talking about everything and anything, others may feel obligated to let us in only to quickly find a way to get us out, and yet others will not let us or let alone speak on the phone. we are prepared for this and we hope that more and more people fall into the first category and we hope that this trip will be a succesful for us in accomplishing all we set out to do.


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