Saturday, July 30, 2005

Our first Shabbos in Little Rock...

Shabbos in Little Rock was very nice less the two mile walk home last night and to shul this morning. For lunch Shaya and I went to Rabbi Pape's, I think that was only one mile. The food was delicious. The Chabad House had a minyan for all the Teffilos B"H. Many of the old faces from last year were back, and there were a few new people. Was nice to get re-acquainted. All in all Shabbos was very nice.

Some pictures:

Rabbi Ciment Hard at Work

Chabad of Little Rock / Lubavitch of Arkansas

The Chabad Car we are Driving

Me Calling Jewish People in Mississippi


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lester & Olga Birney

6917 Wrenwood Drive

Horn Lake, MS. 38637-7705
Levi and Shaya, This is a woman who came to visit us in Crown heights. She just moved near where you are. Please contact her. She is a wonderful woman, and loves jewish books.

Home 662-280-2778

Cell 662-420-1451


Our move here was to be close to our youngest daughter, and we are enjoying it very much. Our home is in Mississippi, just over the line from Memphis, TN. Do come and visit, we have extra beds.

6:38 PM  

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