Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The ride back to Little Rock

The ride home should have taken us about six hours from Meridian, but being that we were very hungry and tired it took a lot longer than that. We stopped for almost an hour to eat dinner, and we stopped for two hours to sleep at a rest stop just south of Memphis. We woke and continued our journey into Memphis and through Graceland at about 2:15 AM and finally arrived back in little rock at 4:58 AM... Wow, what a ride. Boruch Hashem the trip was successful, and we are looking forward to more successful journeys, to places like Jacksonville, Hot Springs, Fayetteville, Bentonville, and Fort Smith, all in Arkansas. Today (Wednesday) we caught up on sleep and food, and tomorrow we will be traveling to Hot Springs, about a one hour drive - we don't get to rent a car for that one.

This is what Mississippi looked like when we stopped for dinner at a rest stop

The Honda Accord we rented

This is our Dinner, was lot's of fun actually!


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