Friday, August 05, 2005


Today we went to Jacksonville, AR and we had a very successful trip. We visited two people. One, Lloyd Friedman, a real estate developer was very happy to see us, and bought many books. We spoke for a while, and we found out that he has four Harley Davidsons... WOW!..

Me with Lloyd

Then we went to see Garrick Feldman, a very nice gentleman, very into music, so he and Shaya got along real well. He runs/owns a newspaper, and gave us a tour of the newsroom, and pressroom. Was actually pretty cool. He gave us money, but did not want books, so we took it gladly, wished him well, and left. We got a bit lost on the way home, but boruch hashem not to lost, as we were able to find our way back to the newspaper place then our way to the highway. We will be in Little Rock for Shabbos again, with the same routine as last week: Mincha, two mile walk, dinner, sleep, two mile walk davening, one mile walk, waste the day , then maariv... Sounds very exciting! Good Shabbos

Shaya talks with Garrick about 'Blues'

The Pressroom


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levi and Shaya, I did get a lot of naches see this blog. It reminder me of Zaydie, with the newspaper and presses rolling.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Yossi ! said...

good stuff

11:14 PM  

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