Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Fort Smith

On Monday we traveled through Fort Smith with a stop in Clarksville. In Clarksville we visited an old man that was in a home with a broken leg. We prayed with him and spoke to him for a little while about different things. We didn't spend to long their before we moved on to Fort Smith. We met with Dennis in Fort Smith. Dennis was very interesting and very much into music, Shaya was thrilled about that. We spent more than three hours with him, we spoke about kosher, davening, teffilin, mezuzahs, Jewish history and much more. The History was interesting to him being a history teacher at the local high school. We spoke all sorts of history; world, Jewish, holocaust and family history. His family history was very interesting in that he just recently found out that his mother's mother's mother was actually Jewish, thus to his surprise making him Jewish as well. He showed us old documents he had received from his grandmother before she died which included an old kesubah from his great great grandparents. Shaya and Dennis jammed a little (we called it practice - nine days!! :) ) All in all this was a fun, educational experience for all.


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