Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fayetteville, Huntsville and more

Our first visit in the morning was to an old Jewish woman that lived alone in a shabby house, and looked very lonely. She bought a few books and sent us on our way. Another gentleman we had an appointment with told us he was too busy to see us, after we already got to his front door. We will call him again tomorrow.

The old woman's home
Later in the evening we went to a countryside near Huntsville. One guy we met was a guy who is pretty religious, living in the country in a motor home on his parents front lawn. He keeps kosher, puts teffilin every day, has a Chevron me'az ul'tamid bumper sticker, speaks Hebrew and quotes Talmud word for word! Weird if I may say so! We spent some time with him accompanied by a non-Jewish amish fella who is very interested in our way of life and even sends money to Chabad in Little Rock, again - Weird!!
You don't see this combination everyday

Me and Yossi

Shaya is holding the pellet gun that Yossi use
d to scare away the neighbors dog)

This is the type of countryside that Yossi and Marvin (the non-Jew) live


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