Friday, August 12, 2005

An unexpected trip to El Dorado, AR

When we came back to Little Rock on Wednesday night, we were informed that the other two bochurim that were traveling around the state had suffered a car break down in El Dorado, AR. They were going to be getting the car fixed but had no money and no food. Of course I was volunteered to drive to El Dorado on Thursday morning and rescue them from their hotel. We left after 1:00 PM and went to the hotel, where the were thrilled to us... Actually thrilled to see the food, then we took them to the garage where the car was being worked on. The car was ready so we paid an unearthly amount and went on our way. We all visited a Jewish person in El Dorado before heading back to Little Rock. We got to little rock and stopped at Chabad for Mincha. Then we went home... I was sitting in the kitchen and one of the other bochurim come running in to the house... "Come quick, we need help pushing the car, it broke down again!!" No way... Yes, it really did break again, and now it is still dead... Who knows what Rabbi Ciment will do with it. Wow, what a day.


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